When we embarked on this journey of Full Time RV Living,
we anticipated meeting lots of different folks along the way. . .
but never, in our wildest imagination did we
think we would make connections that feel so much like family. . .
I’m sure FaceBook helps with this connection,
by making it so very simple to stay in touch. . .
but still. . .it’s nice to know they are available to call
for whatever we may need,
and we certainly hope they feel the same. . .
Once we crossed the Texas border we zigzagged our way
south touching base with family members along the way,
many of whom I’ve posted pics of on former blog posts. . .
but as soon as Ed and Debi knew we were rolling in
to the Thousand Trails at Columbus TX. . .
they completely rearranged their schedule to bring the rig over for a visit. . .

we spent the next few days visiting, eating, celebrating my birthday. . .
(btw. . .thanks for the birthday lunch guys). . .enjoying the wildlife. . .etc., etc. . .
We met Debi and Ed through our blog (I think) and once she and I discovered
we were both former postal employees. . .awww. . .well that was it. . .
we knew we had to meet up . . .immediate bond. . .
so she and Ed have dived head long into the RV Lifestyle,
creating and moderating three different RV Groups on FaceBook. . .
Check them out here:
RV Tips
RV Chat
Debi’s RV Cooking

even putting together a Meet, Greet and Eat at Luby’s for
RV’ers in the Houston Area and beyond. . .
I know some folks came from as far as the Beaumont Area. . .
it was nice to put faces and voices with folks we chat with on
FB and forums. . .
and now they’ve finally headed off west on their very first
long term Hurlburt Full Time Adventure. . .

the next folks we had the privilege of meeting up with again
this past month are the Binns, Rick and Janice. . .
We met them through the Thousand Trails – Good and Bad page on FaceBook
when we checked in at the Kennissee Lake TT in Ohio,
over the Fourth of July Holiday on our way to Niagara Falls. . .
they were there for the weekend. . .not yet retired. . .had not quite sold their house,
and sent us a note saying they would love to visit. . .well, we’re always up for an RV Chat. . .
and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. . .

this year, they rolled up in their new to them “man truck”
a Ford F450 dually, well designed to handle their Mobile Suites. . .

we all spent a lot of time visiting, and eating, and playing Mexican Train. . .

even had the privilege of meeting new friends Shorty and Liz
over Mexican Train. . .Shorty is quite a mess, and I am quite sure
he and Dave could give each other a run for their money in entertainment value. . .
We had made Shorty’s acquaintance as one of the moderators on
Thousand Trails – Good and Bad . . .so it was great to meet them in person. . .
sure hope our paths cross a bunch more times this summer. . .
and what a surprise it was to have Marian and Jack,
who we park hosted with at Fort Parker in Mexia in 2012,
recognize us at the Escapee’s Park in Livingston,
and stop by for a visit. . .so great to catch up guys. . .
we need to spend some more time together at some point.

and last, but certainly not least. . .Judy and Dick drove over
to Livingston this week to have lunch and pick up a
box of really nice 4x4 wooden jack pads Dave had made. . .
Since we no longer have jacks, Dave was just going to donate them at the dumpster. . .
you know, when you leave something outside the dumpster,
because you don’t have the heart to throw it away. . .
hoping someone will see it’s value, and take it home with them. . .LOL!
Judy had posted a pic on FB telling Dick they needed to make some of these. . .
I told her we had a whole box of them that they were welcome to. . .so there ya go! WIN WIN. . .
Anyway. . .we met Judy and Dick when we were all volunteering in Estes Park
as campground hosts in 2012. . .what a wonderful summer that was. . .
with them and us being from the Nasa Area, we had an immediate connection. . .
We loved getting together with them for a great four hour visit. . .
Thanks for driving over guys. . .it was wonderful to see you. . .
These are just the handful of RV friends we’ve seen in the past month. . .
there are plenty of others we’ve met around the country,
that we have plans to meet up with over the next few months. . .
we plan (Lord willing) to head to AZ
and then the West Coast after the first of the year. ..
would love to meet up with more of you. . .
stay in touch. . .
’til then,
Janice and Dave