Wow. . .I am ashamed that it has been an entire six weeks since I last blogged. . .goodness.
I hope you will forgive me for doing this as a bit of a catch up post. . .to be perfectly honest. . .I find it easier and faster these days to just put my pics into an album, and caption each pic for our personal enjoyment. . .
Maybe I'm getting lazy. . .but in a moment of self reflection here, I find it so discouraging, knowing the amount of time it takes to formulate each blog post, to have folks, especially relatives, say when they see us. . .so. . .where all have you been? What'cha been up to. . .where have you traveled?
Really? ANYWAY. . .that's my whine for the day. . .I find myself in the quandary of. . .
do I continue to write the blog as my own personal Travel Journal. . .or not? Still deciding, I guess!
Our last blog on April 17 found us in Santa Cruz checking out the beach. . .we haven't really traveled that many miles since then. . .but we've seen a lot of things. . .lots of lots of beautiful things. . .
TUESDAY, APRIL 21 found us in San Francisco with Debi and Ed. . .what a nightmare parking there ends up being. . .$18 for the day in a garage about six blocks from the waterfront. . .if you want to park closer, it's $3 per 20 minutes (I think I remember that right.)
Anyway, we've driven over to go to Alcatraz, but tickets are sold out, so we just buy our advanced tickets, and explore the waterfront. . .
Here's the LINK for the rest of our day in San Francisco
Since our Alcatraz tickets are for next week, and since Liz and Shorty are only an hour away, we decide to all meet up, and do the Big Sur Shoreline Drive along the Pacific Coast Highway. . .
but first, breakfast in Historic Salinas, in one of the only original building left standing after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. . .and then on to the all day excursion. . .
beautiful, beautiful 17 Mile Drive. . .
oh my word. . .a $10 fee per car, BUT just to see the Lone Cypress,
and the 18th hole at Pebble Beach. . . so worth it. . .
hope you'll check out the pics. . .
17 MILE DRIVE - LONE CYPRESS - PEBBLE BEACHand our day is still not done. . .on to Big Sur. . .

what a magnificent coastline along the Pacific Coast Highway. . .