We don’t usually have a lot going on. . .
we’ve really become homebodies since we retired,
and even when we are traveling,
rarely venture out more than two, maybe three times a week. . .
but wow. . .things have been hopping. . .
The big Houston RV Show was last week,
so we attended that with Debi and Ed Hurlburt. . .
there was a lot to see and do. . .
but since we’re not really in the market for a new coach,
I was just there to see what new and marvelous things have come out. . .
and boy did I get some great ideas!
As most of you know,
I haven’t used the propane stove in my coach for over five years.
I choose instead to cook on an induction burner. . .
well. . .that is the latest thing in the upscale coaches this year. . .
they all have the induction burners installed
in the counter in place of the propane stove. . .very nice!
Told Dave I wanted my induction burner installed like that
instead of having to get it out from under the cabinet
every single time I want to use it (which is usually daily.)
and that my intention was to remove it
while we have the coach on the south side of town
near our son’s place, so I could store it in his attic
(if we ever decided to sell or trade this coach,
I would want to reinstall the stovetop)
so, guess what. . .

it only took a few minutes to pull that sucker out. . .
Dave stopped by Home Depot for a cap for the propane line. . .done

when we get back to Conroe, we will purchase a countertop piece
to fit into this space, cut the opening for the induction burner, install it. . .
![DSCN3629[1] DSCN3629[1]](http://lh3.ggpht.com/-oJnfsNkqedA/UvpvN4Pl2SI/AAAAAAAA0vM/cf0Y6RJxiVI/DSCN3629%25255B1%25255D_thumb%25255B1%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800)
add the covers. . .done. . .sounds simple. . .right?
ha ha. . .I’ll let you know. . .
Ed has some woodworking skills. . .
and he HAS offered to help. . .so we should be fine!

this was our first move since we’ve had the rooftop satellite dish installed. . .
it performed beautifully. . .AFTER. . .
we backed out from behind the tree you see to the top right. . .
we’ll learn. . .at least we knew not to get the coach set up
until we made sure the satellite was okay. . .
learned that trick from friends in Colorado. . .good to know!
Dave finished up all his medical stuff this morning. . .
I should finish mine tomorrow morning. . .
then we can commence with the visiting. . .
breakfast with friends on Thursday and Friday. . .
supper with cousins on Thursday, and more friends on Friday. . .
and hopefully we can spend time with the kiddos and grands Saturday. . .
we’ll see how the schedule goes for the softball tournament. . .
My favorite part of the week was meeting our kids for lunch on Sunday,
and then attending worship services at our “home” church that night. . .

no matter how far we roam. . .First Church of Pearland will always be home. . .
til next time,
Janice and Dave