I’m sure you will find it shocking that
when the Texas Aggies have a home game
Football Weekends in College Station are a wee bit crazy.
This is not the first time Dave’s had a class scheduled
on a football weekend. . .so we already knew the drill. . .
RV spaces are gonna be hard to come by. . .
and will be at a premium price. . .
$65 a night at the park we usually like to stay at,
and $50 a night at the one we found a little further out of town. . .yaaa!

or if you are A&M Alumni. . .you can stay at the stadium. . .

spaces there start at $90 a night. . .what a deal!
Hotel rooms go for premium rates too. . .

and then early Sunday Morning everyone’s hooking up. . .
football season is over. . .let the exodus begin. . .
and rates drop back to normal. . .

I dropped Dave off at the Fire Field to pick up this bad boy. . .
which they will pull for six hours to South Texas.
The big difference between pulling this, and pulling our fiver. . .
this is a gooseneck. . .so none of that nice air ride suspension.
I headed back to the nice comfort of the motor home,
and left them to their fun. . .I’ve been catching up on
miscellaneous little chores that get put off when we are in travel mode. . .
The most annoying one for me is that I end up with these stacks of papers. . .
seriously. . .am I the only one this happens to?
I guess I lay aside these wonderful pamphlets or even
pages I’ve torn out of magazines thinking I’m gonna research it. . .
and then before I know it, I have this four inch stack of stuff to go through. . .
and then I can’t possibly just chuck the entire stack,
because there might be some receipt or something I NEED in there. . .grrrrr. . .
so, those are the sorts of things I’ve been doing. . .
cleaning out the fridge, rearranging the freezer. . .
fun stuff . . .I can hardly wait ‘til tomorrow for it to continue. . .oh boy!
Oh. . .and now that I’ve cleared out the stack of papers. . .
it’s time to go pick up the mail. . .jumping for joy about that one. . .
Please tell me I’m not the only one who’s having this much fun. . .
‘til next time,
Janice and Dave