Oh my goodness. . .we have been following
Marsha and Paul’s Blog . . .Where’s Weaver since 2011,
when they, and we, were both headed down the East Coast.
I was googling our next stop. . .their blog popped up. . .
we discovered we were about a week behind them. . .
somehow made contact, and have been in touch
through our blogs and by email ever since. . .
but have just NOT been able to meet up until last week. . .

and then.. .the day we were supposed to meet,
this is what we woke up to. . .Winter Wonderland. . .ice everywhere. . .
(pics borrowed with permission from Ed’s RV Tips Blog)
but with eye doctor appointments already made,
we determined that if the roads weren’t icy,
we would go ahead and head out.
I sent Marsha a note to tell her
there was no need for them to get out in ALL this. . .
however, it was just misting on their side of town,
they didn’t get all the ice,
they couldn’t imagine why I was saying such a thing. . .
so on they came, and quickly found out. . .to their surprise,
how bad everything (except the roads) was.

here we all are. . .with our delicious Genghi’s Grill
Mongolian Wok stir fry’s. . .
this was Marsha and Paul’s first experience
at a Mongolian Wok. . .they really loved it. . .
if you like stir fry, and you’ve never been to one
you need to give it a try. . .
You basically go through a buffet line with a bowl. . .
choose your (uncooked) protein, veggies, sauces, toppings
and either rice or noodles. . .hand your bowl over to the
guy at the counter. . .and they cook it all right then, right there
on their humongous wok. . .really, really delicious
It was a great way to spend a couple of hours,
great food, even better conversation,
discussing all our travels,
their decision to buy a house in Ohio, sell their Phaeton,
and purchase a truck and fifth wheel to travel in.
We all basically flipped our traveling experiences. . .
they went from a motor home to a fifth wheel. . .
we went from a fifth wheel to a motor home. . .
I think we’re all really happy with our decisions. . .
which is just as life should be. . .all good!
As always, we are loving our time here
at Colorado River Thousand Trails Preserve. . .
Jan and Greg from Our RV Adventures Blog
were here the first week of our arrival. . .
it was nice to touch base with them again.
Although we are all from the same area in Houston,
our paths rarely cross. . .so we enjoyed
spending time visiting a bit. . .

then on to an FMCA Rally over the weekend. . .
these great folks do a lot of good things,
collect funds for the Ronald McDonald House,
makes lap quilts and blankets for the Fischer House.
We’ve enjoyed making their acquaintance over the last few months.
Lots of good eating and playing of games goes on at all the rallies too. . .
in between the projects. . .
hmmm. . .I guess that’s about it. . .
It’s kinda hard to believe that it will be time to roll North,
for our Summer 2014 Adventure in a five short weeks. . .
Til next time,
Janice and Dave