Living full time in our motor home allows us to be Ready To Go. . .on to the next adventure!

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco Skyline as seen from the Marin Headlands - California

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Full Time RV Living–Following Up Comments on a Blog

When I post a blog article, and someone comments, I receive a notice in my email box.

I then try to take the time to reply to their comment. . .thinking that they are receiving a notice back in their email box. . .
evidently. . .not so!  Now, to me, two way communication is a huge percentage of the fun in blogging. . .
I love to write what I think. . .and then I love to see what others think in return. . .
so all this time that I’ve been replying to all of your posts. . .evidently you didn’t even know about it!  (sad face)

As best as I can tell, (I’m doing an experiment). . .the only way you know if there is a reply to your comments. . .
or even follow up comments is to click on the SUBSCRIBE to Comments at the bottom of the blog. . .

I’m going to try it on a few blogs that I love to read and comment on. . .and see if it works. 

I researched on my Blogger Dashboard today. . .and just don’t see any other way to do it. . .
if you have more information or a better way. . .please let me know. . .



  1. When you receive the comment in your mailbox, check to see if you are replying to generic mailbox ( from Blogger) or if it is from the sender themselves. I am no longer on blogger, but I remember having to often cut and paste the individual email address to reply directly to them! Good luck!

    1. I've always liked replying right on the blog. . .and just thought replies would be automatically forwarded to those who had an email address in their header. . .guess not.

      Thanks for taking the thyme (cute) to comment. . .I really appreciate it!

  2. I don't reply to comments on my post on the blog itself. Who has the time to go back and revisit blogs? I do reply to questions with a direct email if it is available. Sometimes it isn't, but many regular bloggers make their email available. If it says "no reply", I try to answer on their blog if they have one or answer the question in a later post. If none of those things work, I'm afraid I just have to not reply. :(

    1. True Judy, what you say about going back to revisit blog posts. . .I just always thought because I was being notified of their comment by email that they were being notified of my reply by email. . .now I feel kinda sad that maybe I just wasted all that effort! That's all. . .
