Living full time in our motor home allows us to be Ready To Go. . .on to the next adventure!

Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco Skyline as seen from the Marin Headlands - California

Monday, March 9, 2015

Phoenix–Arizona State Capitol–State House and Museum

another State Capitol today. . .
although visiting this one was a little different

Arizona State Capitol and Museum

the beautiful building you see was originally the State House. . .
but is now the State Capitol Museum. . .
and no longer houses any of the government offices. . .

Arizona State Capitol and Museum

Government functions are now housed separately. . .
Senate in the left front. . .
Congress in the right front. . .
and the Governor’s Offices in the building you see to the back of the Capitol Dome. . .

somewhat interesting. . .

I sort of admire the fact that they moved out
into utilitarian style buildings
rather than building another
Taj Mahal style State House. . .

Arizona State Capitol and MuseumArizona State Capitol and MuseumArizona State Capitol and Museum

while I could appreciate what the State Museum
represented, and the effort to tell the story of Arizona,
and how it came to be. . .

Arizona State Capitol and Museum

what we really, really enjoyed was the park like setting
of the Capitol Complex. . .and all the many ways they’ve chosen
to show honor to our heroes. . .

Arizona State Capitol and Museum

the tribute to those who lost their lives on the
USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, was just magnificently done. . .
perhaps the best I’ve ever seen. . .

Each hanging plate has a hero’s name on it. . .

We truly, truly encourage you to go and see it for yourself. . .

Arizona State Capitol and Museum

Tribute to all fallen heroes

Arizona State Capitol and MuseumArizona State Capitol and Museum

Did you know this about the Field Cross? 
I get choked up every time I see one. . .

Arizona State Capitol and MuseumArizona State Capitol and MuseumArizona State Capitol and Museum

our beloved heroes who sacrificed so much
during and after the Vietnam War. . .

a really fabulous monument to the Bill of Rights. . .
(forgot to get a pic, so this is a copy of a postcard)

Arizona State Capitol and Museum

of which, of course, our fave is # II. . .
it’s that Texan Blood. . .

Arizona State Capitol and MuseumArizona State Capitol and Museum

Fallen K9 Tribute

I’m sure you can tell. . .we had such a great day exploring. . .

It amazes me that a couple days ago,
we hiked three miles UP a mountain,
and I came home worn to a nub. . .

Today we hiked three miles at IKEA,
and the State Capitol, and all is well. . .

go figure. . .ha ha!
I’m gonna say it was the A/C that made the difference. . .right?

See you next time at the Cummins Shop. . .
taking the rig over there tomorrow,
and will spend the night at their facility. . .
hooked up to their 50A. . .yes!

’til then,
Janice and Dave

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